Formulation Development and Optimization

We would be grateful if you could kindly take a few moments to complete the attached form, as it will allow us at MastersChem Ltd. to better understand your specific needs and requirements, enabling us to provide you with the most tailored and effective solutions.

I. Customer Information :

II. General Description of the Product :

III. Sensory Properties :




Color :

Density :

IV. Finished Products Specifications :


  • We are not medical care professionals, or a research lab. We are in no way intending to claim or guarantee any functions of the requested ingredients, or end product.
  • We are not certified to create any OTC (Over The Counter) or Pharmaceutical drugs. We simply formulate recipes and offer contract manufacturing, for requested combinations.
  • In no way should any of our communications, written or verbal, imply or convey that we are giving medical advice, or making medical claims for ingredients, or end products.
  • Our goal is to bring your vision to life. We are not responsible for any legal action taken against our client for safety, misrepresentation, or misuse, of the client’s product(s).
  • The client understands that it is their sole responsibility to study the laws surrounding the ingredients and end product, the customer wishes to make. We are not lawyers, or a law firm and we do not provide legal or business advice.
  • Please contact a lawyer for legal advice. Please contact a doctor, for medical advice.